Today I did a few things, some name and title generation research for the project and then in the afternoon I visited the 'design museum'. After feedback and reviews from my tutor I delved into the world of literary techniques, establishing creative methods in which I could produce a name for my film. Some of these methods included collection of good relevent words then picking them out of a hat and mixing and matching them to see what I came up with. Another way in which I went about this was to listen to some of my favourite music and the lyrics especially to see if there was any stand out names.
The trip to the design museum later on was based on the designs of 2014 so far aswell as a 'Paul Smith' fashion exhibition so although neither were directly related to my project it was good to see some creative genius and strong graphics in the exhibition. I particularly liked the 2014 designs because they gave me some insight into the future and what kind of inventions could be abundant which could inspire me when creating my future based film.
Fig.1 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.2 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.3 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.4 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.5 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.6 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Fig.7 from Paul Smith Exhibition |
Today provided me with a break from the grittier side of the project where the constant sketching can become a longer process then you would initially like; this gave me some space to rethink things and my method of going about completing this project. The name creation, especially the lyrics based method provided me with a name which I am quite pleased with and think that I will go forward with as the title of the film I am promoting. I have started drafting out the storyboard and fully enhancing my ideas digitally and thoroughly planning them before I sketch them out making the process quite bulletproof so I am pleased and I think this day and the easter weekend have really given me a boost to complete what I initially set out to do after a brief loss of confidence in the project.